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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

A Glance of the Children

A Glance of the Children's Dabble Kit

The children's dabble kit, also known as water entertainment, is an essential water park equipment.

The children's dabble kit is not a name of a certain kind entertainment equipment. In fact, it is a group of entertainments that are divided by their structures and forms of movement, that is, it is a set of similar entertainments integrating fun, science and excitement. Being popular with the majority of young people, it wins children's universal love. A positive role as it plays, it enriches entertainment life by exercising physically and exciting mentally, as well as beautify the city.

Here are some of the children's dabble kit. They are spray buds, spray pencils, spray mushrooms, frog slides, water guns,  water cannons, water seesaws, spray seesaws, spray numbers, spray frogs, spray crocodiles, spray seahorses, elephant slides, apple houses, spray sticks, parent-child turtles, spray hedgehogs, spray whales, spray kangaroos, spray shells, self-suction water guns, rainbow slides, spray fishes and crabs, spray octopuses, spray dolphins, spray lilies, showers and so on. They are best friends to children, still playmates to adults. Their collective will be a happy, cheerful and romantic water park, in which the young is carefree, the old is childlike!

The maintenance of the children's dabble kit
1. Daily check before opening. Ensure that there is no sharp edges, corners, burrs and leaks. Make sure that the water system equipment is reliable to supply water.
2. Tighten the connections regularly.
3. Examine regularly the load bearing and stress concentrated area. If any cracks or bending deformations are found, replace them immediately.
4. Regularly inspect the pool surface, any cracks and flake offs need timely repair.
5. Periodically test the insulation of the underwater lamp.
6. Cover the entertainments with plastic or cloth during non-use to prevent them from aging, fading or cracking by ultraviolet rays. Cracks in the slide shall be repaired or replace the shall if necessary. Deal with the uneven interface of the slide in time .
7. Checked metal frame varnishes during non-use. Repaint them if they peel off to prevent corrosion in purpose of fine appearance and strength reinforce.
8. Regularly organize annual, seasonal, monthly, pre-holiday and peak season security inspection and maintenance, including slides, pools, lighting and water system. Provide visitors with a guaranteed amusement park.

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