+86 13527814016
Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Water Park Equipment Maintenance

Water Park Equipment Maintenance

To keep water park equipment longer use, it’s suggested to keep regular maintenance with the following instructions:

1. Before daily open to the public, take an over inspections of kids water slides and water treatment equipment, to check if there are sharp edges, points, burrs and leaking areas for water slides, and if water treatment equipment normal working, ensure water supply of slides pool.
2. Regular inspection of fasteners.
3. For supporting structure, make regular inspections, and check if there are crackles or bending on the structure, and replace in time.
4. Make regular inspections on water pool surface, if there are crackles and missing blocks, make urgent remedy;
5. For water pool with underwater lamp, make regular inspection of the insulation level;
6. Water park equipment and water park slides for sale should be covered by plastic sheet or other heavy cloth during down time in case of aging, fade and crackles under ultraviolet light; make remedy to slide crackles; for slides connection, make urgent treatment for uneven and leaking situations;
7. Make regular annual, seasonal, monthly and holiday safety inspections plans and maintenance, including water slides, wave pool, illumination system, water treatment.


Haisan offers water park equipment for sale. As well, as a leading manufacturer of water park equipment, Haisan is leading the whole industry in standard equipment productions and standard water parks management. For better water parks building, safer water parks management, let’s work together.

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