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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.


Zhuhai's largest water park opened!

water park

Express News Journalist Chen Jie reports The Journalist learned that the water city has been formally opened on April 26th from the largest water theme park in Zhuhai —— dream water city. Through half a year's rest, this year, dream water city upgrades the software and hardware facilities once again, which adds to a slide up to 142 meters so that visitors experience an exciting water model.

In addition, this year, dream water city has also been upgraded in acting. Besides a conventional acting that a funny clown interacts with the present visitors interactive, there is a domestic well-known magician, creating a fantasy magic feast, including magic bubble show, magic interactive show. Moreover, this year, the Park will launch the wonderful theme: launching the monthly activities with the theme of "love" in May combined with Mother's Day, 520 Festival; launching the monthly activities with the theme of "family" in June linked to the Children's Day, Father's Day etc...

Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd is a Chinese manufacturing brand enterprise, which is the only one made a special coverage on CCTV "quality" column in Chinese water park equipment manufacturing, such as super tornado, kids-slide, and boomerang slide. Besides, in March 2017, it obtains the most important honor of Chinese amusement industry: "Outstanding contribution award" for 30 years development of Chinese amusement industry. If you want to know about the quotation of water park equipment and consult the price of water park equipment, please contact: 020-23889586 020-23889608

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