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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Special Requirements for Aqua Park Equipment

Special Requirements for Aqua Park Equipment

When the aqua park equipment leaves the factory, it must be accompanied by the manufacturer's certification, use and maintenance instructions and relevant drawings and other accompanying documents, and provide customers with spare parts and special tools.

A design review system is implemented for newly built or converted new and larger aqua park equipment. The design review is organized by the special equipment safety supervision agency, and the review is undertaken by the amusement facility supervision and inspection agency. After the review is passed, it can be put into formal manufacturing and installation.

The more dangerous aqua park equipment shall be subject to acceptance inspection and regular inspection by the amusement facility supervision and inspection agency, and other water park equipment shall be subject to the acceptance inspection and regular inspection by the supervision and inspection agency with corresponding inspection qualifications in the area. The aqua park equipment reinstalled in the relocation must undergo acceptance inspection and registration.

Before the aqua park equipment is put into operation every day, trial operation and corresponding safety inspections must be carried out. Before each operation, operators and service personnel must promptly explain safety precautions to tourists, and check and confirm safety devices; the dynamics of tourists should be paid attention to during operation and tourists' dangerous behaviors should be timely stopped. Safety precautions must be posted in a conspicuous location that is easy for tourists to see.

Operators of water park equipment must be equipped with applicable ambulance facilities in accordance with relevant regulations and standards, and arrange professionally trained and qualified guardian or ambulance personnel to meet the required number. It is necessary to formulate rescue plans and conduct rescue exercises on a regular basis. In the event of an accident, emergency treatment can be carried out to prevent the situation from deteriorating, and to rescue and protect tourists in a timely and proper manner.

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