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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Facilities and layout of artificial swimming place in water park design

Facilities and layout of artificial swimming place in water park design

Facilities and layout of artificial swimming place in water park design
The facilities and layout of artificial swimming places in the design of the water park must meet certain requirements, as follows:
1. The artificially constructed swimming place shall be provided with a swimming pool and emergency room, changing room, shower room, public toilet, water quality circulation purification and disinfection equipment control room and warehouse. It is arranged reasonably in the order of changing rooms, forced showers, foot baths, and swimming pools, with appropriate proportions among each other, which meets the requirements of safe and hygienic use.
2. The emergency room should be set up according to the requirements of “Opening Conditions and Technical Requirements for Stadiums” GB19079, equipped with oxygen bags, ambulance beds, first-aid medicines and equipment. The rescue equipment should be placed in an obvious location for easy access.
3. The floor of the locker room should be constructed with non-slip, water-proof and easy-to-clean materials. The slope of the ground should meet the requirements of the building code and be equipped with drainage facilities. Walls and inner ceilings are covered with waterproof, mildew-proof and non-toxic materials. The locker room should be equipped with changing facilities such as closed lockers and shoe racks that match the design reception volume, and mobile water washing and disinfection facilities should be provided. The locker should be made of smooth and water-proof materials and should be set according to the standard of one passenger and one use. The dressing room has ample aisles to keep air flowing. Indoor swimming pools that are open all year should be equipped with air conditioning and ventilation equipment, and water temperature adjustment facilities.
4. A forced-through shower device should be installed between the shower room and the immersion foot disinfection tank. The shower room should have a shower head for every 20 to 30 people. The ground should be constructed with non-slip, impervious, and easy-to-clean materials. The slope of the ground should meet the requirements of the building code and be equipped with drainage facilities. The walls and ceiling are covered with waterproof, mildew-proof and non-toxic materials, and the shower room is provided with water supply and drainage facilities.
5. To provide customers with drinking utensils, special disinfection rooms for drinking utensils should be set up.
6. Swimming pools with different deep and shallow zones should have obvious water depth, warning signs for deep and shallow water areas, or set deep and shallow water isolation zones with obvious signs in the pool. The wall and bottom of the swimming pool should be smooth and impermeable, light-colored, and the corners and bottom of the pool should be rounded. The aisle should be laid around the swimming pool with non-slip materials that are easy to wash away. The aisle has a certain outward slope and drainage facilities are provided. Drainage facilities should be equipped with water seals and other air pollution isolation devices.
7. The passage of the shower room to the swimming pool shall be provided with a forced-dip foot disinfection tank. The length of the pool shall not be less than 2 meters, the width shall be the same as that of the walkway, and the depth shall be 20 cm.
8. Indoor swimming pools shall have entrances and evacuation routes for personnel in compliance with relevant national standards, and be provided with mechanical ventilation facilities.
9. The swimming pool should be equipped with compliant swimming pool water treatment equipment and disinfection facilities and equipment, and the design parameters should be able to meet the requirements of water quality treatment. Leak prevention measures must be taken for liquid chlorine disinfection. The water treatment equipment room must not be directly connected to the swimming pool. An emergency alarm device should be installed in the equipment room. The area where liquid chlorine is placed and filled should be set on the downwind side of the swimming pool and a warning sign should be set up. An effective gas mask should be set up at the door of the dosing room. The use of liquid chlorine should meet the requirements of relevant departments in terms of safety.
10. Swimming places should be equipped with water quality testing equipment such as residual chlorine, pH value, water thermometer.

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