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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Hasan Group Travel 2017

Hasan Group Travel 2017

In 2017, the staff tourism (first batch) of Haisan was successfully concluded.

In order to express its appreciation to the staff unremitting efforts for the company development, and enrich employees' cultural life, enhance the team cohesion, Haisan Group organized the first batch of employees on November 24-26, 2017, to jiangxi jinggangshan for activities, other batches staff will soon start.

This tour, a total of three days, according to the schedule, successively visited the finger peak, big well MAO zedong's former residence, Huang Yangjie ShaoKou, small red army hospital, five dragon pool waterfall, revolutionary museum, CiPing MAO zedong's former residence, etc.

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