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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Four major tips for water park design from HAISAN water park equipment

Four major tips for water park design from HAISAN water park equipment

1. Be cautious on site selection and scale 
The location of the water park equipment from HAISAN should be conveniently located. The park is not the bigger the better. Its size should be determined according to the local achievable passenger flow, consumption level and its own management team. Do not simply imitate and invest blindly.

2. With diversity water park equipment
In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer single-function water park equipment, most of which tend to be large-scale composite equipment, and most of them are consumed by family groups. Therefore, operators should consider household consumption when configuring water park equipment. Groups, more water park equipment for all ages, but also to avoid repeated planting.

3. Pay attention to the facilities of the water park equipment
Many park investors are keen to buy foreign equipment. If they are willing to pay a large price to purchase imported glass steel slides, they will not pay enough attention to the facilities that guarantee the normal operation of this equipment. When selecting the steel structure supporting the FRP slide, it is often impossible to ensure the good connection between the FRP slide and the steel structure when selecting the inexperienced and low-cost water park equipment manufacturers. Therefore, if there is not enough funds to guarantee the normal use of imported equipment. There is no need to pay a large price for imported glass fiber reinforced plastic slides. At present, our domestic equipment is not worse than imported equipment in some aspects, and even the technology is more mature and the price is moderate.

4. Pay attention to the construction process details to prevent accidents from appearing
After the water park equipment has been identified by design documents, type tests and inspections, it is used correctly according to the operating instructions. The probability of accidents is negligible. Due to the lack of attention to detail during the construction process, it is the biggest cause of frequent accidents among tourists in water parks. The lack of anti-skid measures and slipping and falling are the most common accidents in water parks. Secondly, bruises, corners and cracks are tourists injured. Hidden dangers. Therefore, in the construction process of the water park, wherever tourists are likely to come into contact, it must be carefully handled to ensure the safety of tourists.

water park equipment
water park equipment from HAISAN

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