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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

The Operation of Water Amusement Park should Pay Attention to Two Details

The Operation of Water Amusement Park should Pay Attention to Two Details

With the development of China's economy, people's income level and consumption level have been significantly improved, which has led to the continuous development and maturity of tertiary industry and tourism industry. As a theme park, water park has become the hottest star in urban tourism products with its unique cultural connotation, scientific content and powerful entertainment functions. But some water parks are not doing well, after an investigation, we found that a large proportion of unprofitable water parks were caused by operational problems. Here are some tips for solving these problems:

1. Attach importance to the planning and design of water park

The operation of planning and design stage of the water park will directly affect the quality of product service and visitor experience after the opening of the theme park, i.e., the satisfaction of the tourists.  And in the requirement of many professional operating conditions, the demand of the special operating conditions of the water amusement equipment queuing area is particularly important. Why? Whether we are engaged in the water park service, or as a visitor to the water park, where do we find the largest number of tourists in the water park? There's a large number of visitors in the water playground, where everyone is queuing up to play with equipment. Even some of the novelty, pungent aquatic rides, tourists are queuing for two or three hours for a three-five-minute experience. Especially in the tourist season and spend most of the day in line. Therefore, whether the design of the queuing area is well designed, or whether it is unreasonable or the requirements for operating conditions are in place, which directly affects 80% of the tourists who come to the water park to experience the experience.

2. Marketing is indispensable

Advertising is the first ring of marketing promotion, and almost all water parks will do the overall publicity plan for each year, and have the corresponding advertising fee. Advertising, including theme image ads, television ads, newspaper ads, radio ads, magazine ads, television subtitles, electronic billboards advertising, bus advertising and online advertising. In the advertising program every year, we must make the most effective to all kinds of advertising forms using a combination of collocation, and evaluation, analysis is done on the benefit of advertising, as the next (season) annual advertising plan adjusted basis.

It is worth emphasizing that before the advertising campaign is completed, it is necessary to fully analyze the target customer group of water park itself. The broadest media is not necessarily the best medium. We should choose the corresponding media according to the different planning activities.

Although water parks often have joint marketing with travel agencies, they should also open their own marketing channels and do business marketing and development. Water park is a unique tourism product, it can easily make the packaging of the product or combine with other businesses, so that its marketing business is broader and the marketing channel is more open. It should be noted that these aligned commodities themselves should have a positive image, and its image and water park image can complement each other, and the combination of the two can play a role of mutual promotion, so that the union can make sense.

If you have any doubts, please contact us through +86-20-39218293 or

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