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Who is traveling at night, big data tells you!-2

Who is traveling at night, big data tells you!-2

Who is traveling at night, big data tells you!-2

1. The quality of the night travel market is controllable, and 70% of tourists still look forward to improvement

The special survey data shows that the overall satisfaction of the night tour is 75.68, and the overall night tour service quality is in a better range. 25% of the respondents are very satisfied with the existing night travel market, 42% of the respondents are satisfied, and 25% of the respondents are average, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied accounted for 8%.

In the survey on the satisfaction of night tour products and public services, 27% of tourists said they were very satisfied, and 73% of tourists rated it as satisfactory or below. There is still much room for improvement in the future.

Investigations on the reasons for restricting tourists' night travel experience show that 49.4% worry about safety, 38.8% need to rest during the day, and 25.8% are inconvenient at night. Night safety and tourist rest have become the main factors limiting night travel.

2. Young and middle-aged couples, family night tours are the mainstream

Special survey data shows that couple outings and family parent-child outings have a higher demand for night experience, accounting for 31.8% and 31.2%, respectively; friends traveling and group travel are in the middle, accounting for 17.2% and 11.6%; business travel and individual travel Night experience needs are minimal.

From the age level, the night travel spending of the 80 and 90 middle-aged and young groups represented by 18-24 and 25-34 is the highest. The young and middle-aged group is the main body of couples traveling and family parent-child traveling, and is also a group with higher incomes willing to pay for higher-quality tourism. The cost of night tours is also at a high level.

Special survey data show that the nighttime peak hours of 6-10 o'clock, accounting for 77%; 11-12 o'clock and 23% after 12 o'clock. From the perspective of the length of the night tour experience, there are the most tourists willing to experience 3-4 hours, accounting for 48.1%, the proportion of 1-2 hours is 27.5%, the proportion of 5-6 hours is 17.1%, and the experience is more than 7 hours Accounting for 7.2%.

3. Night tourism is in short supply and tourism investment is poised

1) There is room for improvement in the proportion of night tour products and investment scale

From the perspective of demand, more than 71% of the surveyed companies expect that the demand for the night travel market will continue to be strong or very strong.

From the perspective of supply, of the 657 tourism companies participating in the survey, 72.99% of the tourism companies provided less than 30% of the night tour product category, and 79.24% of the tourism companies had less than 30% of the night tour product revenue. It can be seen that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the quantity and quality of night game product supply.

The special survey data shows that of the 657 tourism companies participating in the survey, night travel product investment scale accounts for 23% of the companies, 6% -10% companies account for 28% of the investment scale, 10% of the investment scale -20% of enterprises accounted for 26%, and companies with investment scales over 30% accounted for 22%. In terms of investment models, tourism companies are more inclined to cooperate with the government (30.7%) or with other domestic enterprises (32.6%), wholly-owned (18.7%) or with foreign companies (9.1%). Second, 7.9% of companies are willing to cooperate with universities or Scientific research unit cooperation.

From the perspective of the supply side of night tour products, the investment, number of products, and profitability of tourism companies in the night tour sector are significantly different from the daytime products. However, under the background of strong tourist demand, more companies are targeting the night tour market. Has a promising market prospect and is willing to increase investment and quality investment in the future. The upgrading of tourist experience requirements will promote the quality of night tours, and the night tourism market has huge potential.

2) The prospect of night travel is generally promising, and the night travel environment needs to be improved

Special survey data show that nearly 60% of tourism companies believe that the future night travel market will increase by 10% -20%, and more than 30% of companies believe that the night travel market will increase by more than 20%. Based on the unanimous optimism of the prospects of the night travel market, 81% of enterprises are willing to expand their investment.

According to predictions, in the future, night leisure facilities and atmosphere, food / night markets, and experiential activities will be hot spots for investment in the market. The improvement of the quality of these investment hotspots requires the concerted efforts of all sectors of society to continuously improve the leisure infrastructure, create a cultural environment with temperature and characteristics, ensure the safety of tourists' personal property, food safety, and comprehensively improve the tourist experience.

4. Conclusion

China Tourism Research Institute ’s special research on the night travel market shows that the current night travel market with couples traveling and family parent-child travel as the main consumer is in strong demand, but it is restricted by security issues, traffic conditions, and product richness. There is still much room for improvement in product supply in terms of category, quality, and investment strength. It is expected that in the future, tourism companies will have more enthusiasm and resources to invest in the night tourism market. Enterprises, governments and society will work together to improve the quality of night tourism services, continuously improve the night experience of tourists, and continuously meet the needs of the people for a beautiful holiday and a beautiful life.

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