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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

water park planning and design from HAISAN water slide company-part one

water park planning and design from HAISAN water slide company-part one

With the development and subdivision of the market, the water park project has been developed continuously. Many large investment enterprises have also been put into the layout of the water park, such as Wanda Group, Hengda Real Estate Group and overseas Chinese city group.

However, it is not easy to do a good planning and design from water slide company. It is not only a simple layout of the equipment, but also includes the planning of the theme story, the layout of the overall format, the selection of water amusement equipment, the control of the architectural style, the overall artistic atmosphere (including the logo system, color, VI and so on), the design of the landscape packaging, and the design of the landscape packaging. He plans the design content (tourism market positioning, theme activity planning, tourism products, tour organization).

How to plan and design the water park? Next, let's take Suzhou paradise forest water world as an example.

1. Determine the theme and style of the water park

For aquatic parks, due to the high homogeneity of the hardware, the activities and landscapes that lack the unique attraction theme will be trapped in a homogeneous circle of thousands of gardens. Therefore, water parks should also have themes and styles, and create a unique water park through the design of theme clues, so as to form differentiated competitiveness.

At the beginning of the construction of the Suzhou paradise forest water world, the theme of the true mountain and true water was determined. The forest theme park was built to distinguish from other water parks. The theme of the forest conveys the natural ascription of the urban crowds and the most natural and ecological leisure way. The first year opened for 59 days to receive 400 thousand visitors. And revenue exceeded 61 million 500 thousand yuan, setting a record in the industry.

2. Focus on Harmonious Coordination with Thematic Environment            

Tourist experience is becoming more and more demanding, and the importance of water park landscape packaging design is becoming more and more prominent. The overall environment of the water park should be consistent with the theme atmosphere. On the basis of the uniqueness of the water park itself, it integrates the elements of architectural landscape and water landscape, and embodies the unique theme style of the park through the environmental art packaging.            Focusing on the theme of forests, the forest water world of Suzhou Paradise strives to achieve the goal of "seeing is forest". A large number of forest elements are implanted in recreational projects and scenarios, including figs, tricolor flowers, sunny flowers, colorful mushrooms and other landscape sketches with forest characteristics. The recreational project modelling simulates the shapes of all kinds of animals and plants in nature, such as the "ladybug nest" slide; and the construction of various kinds of No. The forest restaurant with the same theme, all tableware are packaged with the theme of forest water world characteristics. Make tourists immerse in the forest water playing space which is close to nature and dream amusement.     

water slide company
water slide company from HAISAN

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