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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Water park equipment investment decision making

Water park equipment investment decision making

1. Scientific planning for site selection The location should be based on the project traffic location, the local population of the 1-2 hour economic circle market, the per capita consumption level, and competitors. In the same market area, homogenization competition will bring both losses. In many places, such as Water park equipment from Northeast China, Shandong, Henan, and Guizhou, there are cases where the location is unreasonable, resulting in a busy business but a bleak business.

2. In terms of investment scale, it is necessary to tailor The characteristics of water park investment are “short, flat and fast”, “short” is short construction period (generally 9 months), “flat” is relatively low investment intensity (10-15 million USD/1000sqm), “fast” is Recycling is fast (recovering investment costs within 3 years). It is necessary to grasp the scale of investment according to local comprehensive conditions and make the most scientific and reasonable investment. Investing in a water park cannot be greedy and demanding. The scale of investment must be tailored to produce the best expected benefits.

3. Water park equipment procurement support localization Investors should rationally understand domestic and foreign products and consider the best price/performance ratio. At present, for most mature products of water parks, China's first-line water park equipment manufacturers have fully possessed high standards and high-quality production capacity, and the gap is not obvious compared with foreign countries. In August 2014, the State Council also pointed out in the "Several Opinions on Further Accelerating the Reform and Development of Tourism Industry" that it continued to support the localization of tourism equipment such as amusement facilities.

4. Business management must follow the rules and regulations to follow the path of specialization Water park managers, water park equipment operators, lifeguards, etc. are all highly professional positions. All legal requirements must be certified. However, due to the rapid development of the industry, there is a shortage of professional employees. Many parks are operated and managed by investors themselves, or the personnel hired are not professionally trained and assessed, and there is no relevant qualification. This situation is very prone to security incidents. Therefore, the operation and management of the water park must be determined by a legal professional team or professional. Eliminate safety hazards and let visitors have peace of mind.

Water park equipment
Water park equipment from HAISAN

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