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Several Prerequisites for Investment and Management of Water Parks

Several Prerequisites for Investment and Management of Water Parks

1. Water parks are increasingly popular

In summer with a hot sun, it must be a good idea to run a water park. Water parks and water theme parks have become more and more popular in recent years. They can be seen in first and second tier cities, fourth and fifth tier cities and even rural villages and towns. However, for water park investment, you must take the following points into consideration.

2. Several points should be considered in water park investment

a. Objective conditions should be considered in site planning and design

In the case that the land is selected and the construction area of the water park is basically clear, it is necessary to consult the equipment manufacturers of the water park. We need to consult and communicate with them many times so as to determine the preliminary planning and design. Generally speaking, the manufacturers will use their professional knowledge to analyse the industry market, and make feasible planning and design schemes according to the objective terrain conditions and other factors, such as how to configure water park equipment, how to differentiate regional based (or theme-based) layout, how to divide functional areas and so on. At the same time, the location and scale of the water park should first consider the passenger flow, the condition of convenient transportation, consumption level and the condition of its own management team. Simple copy and blind investment are not practicable.

b. Some intuitive conditions should be considered in the equipment layout, and secondary space should be reserved

The configuration of water park equipment has also changed greatly in recent years. The early  stacking, simple and rough equipment is no longer suitable for the current development of the industry. People prefer the combination of water slides in the form of compound sports, children's water playing equipment to experience the fun of parents and children, as well as cool and exciting surfing, etc. With the corresponding humanistic care, theme culture, competition and characteristic scenery combined, we should also consider children's favorite ways of playing, and plan and design children's favorite and interactive playing pool. It is also necessary to leave sufficient space for secondary development so that new breakthroughs can be made in the future, such as the allocation of water amusement equipment which can be operated all year round, and equipment combined with marine or land equipment.

c. The guarantee is done when buying high-quality and safe products

When purchasing equipment for the water park, we must check whether it has passed the relevant certification. High-quality equipment is the basic guarantee for the normal operation of the water park. As we all know, in the highly playable and thrilling water park, the products have rich functional purposes, and their shapes are different. We can also take a look at the demonstration effects of some of the popular devices on the market at this stage. In addition, the product quality of other related supporting equipment and facilities, such as water supply systems, tubing softwares, steel supporting frames and so on, should also be paid attention to.

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