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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

What do you value most when purchasing water park equipment?

What do you value most when purchasing water park equipment?

Through the contact with a large number of different customers, we found that different investors pay more attention to the purchase of water park equipment. Some investors value prices, some investors value quality, and some investors The more fancy styles, and some investors will value branded water park equipment manufacturers and after-sales service. What do you value most? We might as well have a chat.

1, price

The price of water park equipment is undoubtedly the most important aspect that attracts everyone's attention. After all, everyone wants to buy high-quality and low-cost products, so as to obtain the highest return with the lowest investment. However, price is often proportional to quality, and the truth that you get what you pay for is still universal. In the water park industry, it is difficult to buy your favorite water park equipment at low prices! Therefore, investors should not only value the price when buying equipment, but should also consider other aspects for comprehensive comparison. Products with high cost performance are really low-priced products.

2, quality

Speaking of quality, we want to give a thumbs up to those water park investors who value quality! For water parks, high-quality water park equipment means safety, but also means making money! After all, the water park carries so many tourists, and the water park equipment belongs to special equipment. Safety is the top priority! Quality is really important.

3, manufacturers

Some investors value manufacturers more, and they often choose to cooperate with brand manufacturers. Just like buying an air conditioner to choose Gree, and buying a refrigerator to choose Haier! In fact, this is also a good way. After all, as far as the current water park industry is concerned, the market is mixed, and the quality is really difficult to distinguish. But the big brands are different. In order to gain a good market reputation, they will pay more attention to the style, quality, and service. Cooperation with big manufacturers is still a great guarantee! Take our Sea Mountain Amusement as an example. We are the earliest professional company engaged in water park project planning, theme landscape packaging design, equipment manufacturing and installation, and management consulting services in China. We have obtained more than 70 product patents and are the first high-tech in the industry. Technology enterprise, is currently the only national Class A tourism planning and design qualification enterprise, and the only Chinese manufacturer of branded enterprises in China’s water park equipment manufacturing industry that was broadcast and reported by CCTV’s "Quality" column, and was awarded the Chinese amusement industry in March 2017 The most important honor is the "Outstanding Contribution Award for 30 Years of Development of China's Amusement Industry". There is no doubt that Haishan Amusement is a well-deserved manufacturer of big brands.

4. Service

Some investors also value service. After all, the water park is a big project, and its operation involves all aspects. Only if the water park equipment manufacturers have the services in place, investors can operate more easily. The service includes not only the preliminary service of the park preparation, but also the service during and after the operation of the park! Big brand manufacturers should be the best at this point.

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