+86 13527814016
Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Tsunami Pool

Tsunami Pool

Tsunami Pool
  • Tsunami Pool
  • Tsunami Pool
  • Tsunami Pool
  • Tsunami Pool
  • Tsunami Pool


This kind of wave pool is more advanced and will generate waves as high as 3 meters. It almost gives guests the same surfing experience in sea. We use top vacuum waving machines and global brand components which is durable and easily operated. It’s suitable for hot spring, hotel, water parks, etc. And it has the features of easy management and operation, low power and noise.

Tsunami Pool is realized by vacuum wave making equipment. With vacuum pump, it can make waves up to 3 meters high. The surging waves can make the tourists on the shore as if they come to the sea, and let them experience the pleasure of surfing and walking on the beach. Tsunamis pool can be different in size. It’s suitable for hot springs, hotels, water parks and other places. It can accommodate thousands of people at the same time and it is the most popular game project.


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