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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Ten development trend of water park equipment-Analysis from Chimelong Water Park and Universal Studios Volcan- Trend Ten

Ten development trend of water park equipment-Analysis from Chimelong Water Park and Universal Studios Volcan- Trend Ten

The tenth trend is not only a match, but also a “two eliminations” of attraction. When we talk about water park equipment, we are still focusing on tickets. The number of tourists is large. The number of tourists is good. The amount of tourists is too much. For this park operation, we should pay attention to revenue. The income is very important in the park. The article that secondary consumption can do is very big.

In general, why are we going to eat at the water park? Because I am hungry, I am hungry and only have enough to sprint the next equipment to line up or soak in the water, otherwise the station will faint, this paradise gives us an inspiration, tourists are coming for a leisure vacation, do not worry in line. You can see the products of the park. If you don't say it is in the park, you may think that you took photos on the island vacation. Therefore, we want to extend the vacation time of tourists in the water park, and whether shopping is likely to become a new choice. Including the dining in the park, the restaurant environment is very good, he will eat it for a long time, not to go to other places immediately after eating, so the restaurant's vision, landscape, atmosphere is very important, he may think about the problem here, if Selling a barbecue or selling fast food here is not a holiday for him. So we feel that it is possible to create some elements that can really become attractive in the park, so that visitors come here not only for functional consumption, but also for a richer experience.

These are the core content I shared with you today. Finally, I want to say that we often refer to the word "popular", but we can't keep up with the development of the times. Some things were popular yesterday, and today they have been replaced by other net red. Popular is just a flash in the pan, we just follow the hot spot. And there are some projects, keeping a close eye on the market and constantly innovating. After many years, we have found that we have led the development of industry trends, so I also wish you all the water parks in your market not only popular, but also become a real benchmark.

water park equipment
water park equipment from HAISAN

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