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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Two Factors that Influence the Operation of Water Park

Two Factors that Influence the Operation of Water Park


The operation of water park is not a simple thing. It involves all aspects and needs a comprehensive grasp of the operator so as to win! Among the many factors affecting water park projects, services and prices are critical. We can only stand out from the numerous water parks by making these two points.

1. Winning by service

In any case, it is important to ensure the safety of tourists. During the holiday season, due to increased passenger flow, in order to ensure that the tourists enjoy the proper service standards, and for safety reasons, they can take measures such as restricting the number of visitors to the park and moving routes of tourists to ensure the safety of tourists. In some thrilling and exciting water rides, there are safety tips and special services for visitors with special needs.

2. Flexible pricing

The price strategies of water parks generally include single fare, high quality, low ticket service and cheap strategy. Single ticket price is a common price strategy in theme parks with insufficient facilities and services; High quality high price strategy is adopted for the theme water park of high investment, comprehensive and high-tech; Low ticket multi-service strategy is the pricing trend of comprehensive theme park in the future. It stressed that theme parks should attract tourists with low ticket prices and increase profits with related services; The cheap strategy is suitable for the theme park near the resort.

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Guangzhou Haishan amusement science and technology co., LTD. is a Chinese manufacturing brand enterprise which is featured in CCTV's "quality" column. In March 2017, it won the most important prize in the Chinese amusement industry: the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of China's amusement industry for 30 years.

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