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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

The Early Planning of Water Park Should be Multi-Directional and All-Round

The Early Planning of Water Park Should be Multi-Directional and All-Round

The water park is a highly marketable tourist site, and 80 percent of the total of visitors comes to the water park in July, August, and September. Investors in the early stage of the planning of water park should build a park industry elite team management with experiences, research and summarize relevant successful cases at home and abroad from the present situation, the local population of tourism market, competitors, water park equipment tourist attraction index, the construction of the subject culture system and marketing system, funds recovery period index survey. Seek truth from facts, target and form a set of the independent project evaluation analysis system. Make a plan, but also make the late planning and land management accorded.

the-early-planning-of-water-park-should-be-multi-directional and all-round

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