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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

A mystery about 95% of the visitor experience from HAISAN water park design - part one

A mystery about 95% of the visitor experience from HAISAN water park design - part one

When the autumn leaves begin to change color and the cold wind ripples over the lazy river, some park operators from HAISAN water park design begin to consider closing their gardens in cold weather and prepare to reopen their gardens in the coming spring. As the owner of the park, your office safe may already contain a new plan for a large amusement facility, which is likely to be higher, steeper, faster or more unique than competitors'existing facilities. You've even prepared a good name for it to attract a lot of tourists. Once the new project opens, tourists will race to join the long queue, waiting for four or fifty minutes, just for ten seconds of experience in recreational facilities.

However, simply adding more advanced recreational facilities does not guarantee the improvement of the overall quality of the park. Please try to walk around your own park. Do you mainly see tourists on roller coasters, young people playing in a roaring surf pool, or parents chasing their children in the children's playground? None of them. Most tourists are queuing up, rushing to the next recreational event, rewarding themselves by sitting in a restaurant, taking a short break on the beach, or hanging out in a gift shop. In short, most tourists are not enjoying the eye-catching experience of one to five minutes on expensive recreational facilities at the moment, but are scattered in auxiliary spaces and facilities between these facilities.

So why are you still focusing 95% of your energy on the planning of star facilities?           

This is a challenge many park operators around the world face year after year. Large-scale amusement facilities are good marketing projects, which can attract tourists to the park. However, once tourists are in the park, their actual ride time on the amusement facilities is very short. But the average park operator has not spent enough time, energy and creativity to plan and improve the experience beyond the amusement facilities. Major Park owners, such as Disney and Universal Studios, have improved the waiting time of some facilities into a more interesting experience, while leading companies in the design industry of tourist attractions have repeatedly reiterated that the best park starts with integrating the overall tourist experience into the planning, thereby establishing their own unique brand. To achieve this goal, designers and operators need to make much more effort than simply listing a list of recreational facilities to be built.

First-class tourist attractions have three essential basic components: path planning and design, landscape planning and design, and income-generating opportunities design. These basic elements deserve to be studied by park operators with the same effort as the amusement facilities themselves. In this article, we will explore these three key elements of non-amusement facilities and further analyze the two best cases with these elements. Hope to take this opportunity, we can throw a brick to attract jade, help more parks in the coming year when opening not only harvest the excitement of tourists screaming at the amusement facilities, but also bring surprises to tourists everywhere, to establish brand with the overall experience, attract repeat visitors, and spread word of mouth.

Path Planning           

The original function of the route is to guide tourists from point A to point B. However, if strategic considerations and creativity are added to the design, mature path planning can bring expectations and surprises to tourists, and even promote their consumption desire. The first point is that within a short distance of the entrance, the designer should create something that makes the visitor feel "right" the first time. The sooner the node is, the better. Once you enter the gate of the park, you'd better have a space where visitors can't shut their mouths in surprise, and a space where children can say "Cool!" Or "Mom, look here! Look there!" Places, not huge and noisy playgrounds.

In Orlando Disney World, people need to go through the narrow space at the bottom of the entrance building first. Then came the cheerful background music and the bustling bustling main street. The Disney landmark at the end of the street, Cinderella Castle, reminded people that this is the place where dreams come true. In the ocean kingdom of Changlong, Zhuhai, the mission is to accomplish the super-large LED display dome above the entrance tunnel, where people are exposed. Surrounded by corals and aquatic plants, whale sharks and fish swam across the sky, while giant blue whale sharks, which looked taller than mountains in the distance, were crossing the water as if to enter another hidden ocean in the sky; in Spain's Adventure Harbor Paradise, a clear central lake, white sandy beaches, the Mediterranean Sea dotted with both sides. Villages can also quickly help people complete the scene transition from reality to outdoor Taoyuan; in Orlando Universal Studios Adventure Island Paradise, people can see Harry Potter's magic-learning Hogwarts Castle in the distance as soon as they enter the entrance corridor. All of this implies that tourists are about to embark on a remarkable experience that will make people look forward to the next journey.

After tourists enter the park, people generally can not directly see the whole park, and path design can use this to consciously gradually strengthen the expectations of tourists. Smart design of the path streamline should make the small park appear larger, but also make a large number of people seem to "disappear" in the winding paths and scattered attractions. At the same time, we should also pay attention to helping tourists maintain a sense of direction. Some high-rise landmarks scattered in different districts can help visitors locate and direct them to the scenic spots we want to show them. Walt Disney, Disney's founder, coined the word "hot dog" for these large and small landmarks that both attract tourists and help people locate. When Walt Disney started building Los Angeles Disneyland in the 1950s, he often came home late. When he gets home, he usually goes directly to the kitchen to see what he has to eat. Sometimes he would catch a hot dog in the fridge to amuse his beloved pet dog. Just take this hot dog and the dog will follow wherever Disney goes. On the site, Disney used this interesting example to illustrate concisely and concisely the importance and validity of Park signs to his park designers.           

Smart path design also allows visitors to naturally and comfortably arrive at every opportunity to generate income in the park, rather than completely separating the shopping area from the amusement park, or hiding restaurants or gift shops outside the main tourist streamline. If properly designed, these deliberately arranged places of consumption will not appear abrupt, they will be regarded as a natural part of the experience.           

Many tourist attractions still have a lot of room for improvement in path design. Some indoor parks only focus on the layout of intricate scenic spots, path design is treated as a secondary element, only the concrete channel around the scenic spots. The streamline designed in this way of thinking can not guide tourists smoothly, nor can it further help to improve the overall experience quality of tourists. There are also some paradise, when the passenger flow increases, the response is only to widen the existing roads, or occupy the landscape greening land, pouring more concrete "maze". Tourists walk through it as if they were on the Los Angeles I5 interstate highway during the rush hour, which deprives the park of its beauty. Therefore, in planning and design, we should pay attention to using the tool of path planning to guide passenger flow reasonably, so that tourists feel at ease in the park, and provide better experience for tourists.

water park design
water park equipment from HAISAN water park design

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