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On the design and capital raising of theme park from the perspective of operation-1

On the design and capital raising of theme park from the perspective of operation-1

On the design and capital raising of theme park from the perspective of operation-1

At the beginning of 2020, the outbreak of new coronary pneumonia has led to many theme parks across the country to announce the "closed Park" announcement, which makes it easy to close the door. However, for the operation subject, the pressure can be imagined that the theme park is a labor-intensive service industry, with no ticket income, pay as it is, the tourists who lost during the Spring Festival holiday will not come back, and the loss cannot be covered Make up, the cost will increase greatly. In front of the pressure of the outbreak, during the isolation period, I believe that many business entities and employees are also calmly thinking about the next development plan of the industry.           

During the period of isolation at home, I was also thinking about the relevant issues of our industry. In a flash, I became the 15th year of the theme park. Looking back on the past 15 years, I felt that the time was fleeting. In the past 15 years, I experienced the "vertical" work of the operation of the park after opening, from the main theme park project market research, project planning, planning and design, operation capital raising, drawing review, engineering Through the deep excavation of vertical work and the expansion of horizontal work, 15 years of experience laments that it is quite difficult to do a theme park project well. Especially in recent years, the construction of theme park projects has made rapid progress. In the process of work, I found many subjective views put forward by all parties from their own perspective. Today, I'm talking with you about several common and outstanding views in the industry. The contents only represent personal views. Because of different perspectives, the phenomena expressed are not pointed, do not check the signs, and are not enough Please correct and improve.

Viewpoint 1: when first dabbling in the theme park industry, does the owner think that it's better to build a theme park, find a planning and design unit to carry out professional design in each stage, and build a construction unit, and let the operation team carry out pre opening, marketing and post opening operations before opening?           

Viewpoint 2: as a theme park operator, do you often ask why many designs require us to raise funds in the design process? Do they specialize in design or not? Our operation tells the design unit how to design, so we are not engaged in design, what do we want the design unit to do?            Viewpoint 3: as a design unit, the designer will constantly require Party A to provide capital for its operation during the design process, while Party A will ask the designer, your design unit is professional, we have given you the design fee, so you should design my project well.            Of course, it is very normal for the above views to appear, because the revolution has not yet been successful, and there will certainly be different voices on the way forward. The views expressed by Party A, Party B, the operator and all parties from their own perspectives are reasonable for their own reasons. So today I want to talk about my understanding of the above three points on the basis of my understanding of the overall theme park horizontal work, hoping to help the theme park project in the future.           

This time, many projects are closed because of the epidemic situation. After the epidemic, they can still be opened. But in recent years, many theme park projects are closed because of many reasons, such as no good positioning, no good choice of projects in the park, no good design, no good operation and so on. In the process of continuous project launching, there have been projects with an investment of over 100 million yuan, and the park can be closed for rectification in the shortest few months Yes, it's a wake-up call! For this reason, I personally think the above three points play a crucial role in the project.

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