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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

How to avoid dangers in water parks?

How to avoid dangers in water parks?

In order to avoid the damage caused by the facilities to people during the visit, it is very important for manufacturers to avoid such dangers from the respect of water park equipment. Let me tell you something about the facilities!

1. There must be lifesaving personnel and lifesaving devices: especially if it is a wide area and not easy to observe, setting up a high level of guardianship is necessary. There are also lifeguards that need to be unified and easy to identify on the dress as well as the need to configure the corresponding contact equipment, communication equipment and life-saving tools.

2. Setting mark: set up the tourist notices and warning signs on the appropriate part of the equipment. It is also necessary for the equipment with dangerous remind when it exceeds the predetermined location. It also needs finite position control and a safe and reliable control device on the limit position.

3. Setting up files: the children's water park equipments needs to be selected in accordance with the requirements of safety technical specifications, and the technical archives of recreational facilities need to be set up.

4. Operation inspection: in the water amusement equipment, the staff need to check before operation. As long as it does not have any question after the inspection and trial run, it can be put into use finally. What's more, the staff need to record it carefully.

5. Large scale inspection and maintenance: for all water park equipment for sale, it takes half a year to carry out comprehensive inspection and maintenance, condition and maintenance contents and the results of the processing need to be recorded and archived.

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