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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Three Points that must not be Unknown when Invest in a Water Amusement Park

Three Points that must not be Unknown when Invest in a Water Amusement Park

Successfully investing in a water park is not a simple matter. It involves all aspects and needs investors to get a comprehensive grasp to win! Among the many factors affecting water park projects, site planning and operation are critical. Investors have figured it out and done it well, and investment in water park is half the battle. Now, let's talk about what the water park investors should do in terms of both.

1. Choose the scale of investment should proceed from reality

Investment water park can not blindly follow the wind, blindly pursue novelty, it needs investors to invest according to the actual situation, and appropriate is the key. During the planning of the water park, investors need to determine the scale by investigating the number of surrounding population, the level of people's consumption and whether there are similar water amusement places nearby. Some areas are suitable for small and medium-sized investment, and some are suitable for large-scale investment. Of course, there are a lot of investment funds of large-scale water parks, and there are also more water park facilities for tourists to play, and the traffic flow will be relatively large. But big water parks may not bring good returns if the population is smaller. Therefore, whatever the size, investors must invest in the actual situation.

2. Choose water amusement park equipment from market demand

In the earlier survey, investors needed to make a comprehensive analysis of the surrounding group of tourists and then choose the appropriate water park equipment. If there are more children in the neighborhood, then some of the more gentle water park facilities should be more in the park. If there are more young people around, some of the more adventurous water park facilities should be more common in the park.

3. Combination of various publicity methods

Now is no longer an age where wine is not afraid of deep alleys, no matter how good your paradise is, no one will come to play if the publicity is not in place. The perfect combination of online and offline propaganda is the best way to promote water parks, such as WeChat, weibo, QQ, sticky rice and Meituan, in addition to the offline advertising, it will be better to expand the popularity of water parks.


Guangzhou Haishan amusement science and technology co., LTD. is a Chinese manufacturing brand enterprise which is featured in CCTV's "quality" column. In March 2017, it won the most important prize in the Chinese amusement industry: the "outstanding contribution award" of China's amusement industry for 30 years.

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