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Who is traveling at night, big data tells you!-1

Who is traveling at night, big data tells you!-1

Who is traveling at night, big data tells you!-1

Night tourism, as an important way to meet people's longing for a better life, boost tourism consumption, promote supply-side reforms and enrich deep cultural experiences, will provide new momentum for the sustainable and healthy development of the tourism economy.

With the increasing diversification of tourism consumption and the improvement of the potential of tourism supply, coupled with the frequent release of policy documents to promote economic development at night across the country, night tourism is attracting more and more attention from all sectors of industry, academia and research. Based on the research data of the independent research platform of China Academy of Tourism, the night tourism research group of China Tourism Research Institute has systematically studied the supply and demand situation, structural characteristics, constraints and development prospects of the night tourism market. The yearning for a better life, driving tourism consumption, promoting supply-side reforms and enriching in-depth cultural experiences will provide new momentum for the sustainable and healthy development of the tourism economy.

1. High night tourism participation and high consumption

In recent years, China has a high degree of participation in night tourism, and 92.4% of the surveyed tourists have overnight travel experience. UnionPay business data shows that during the Spring Festival in 2019, the total domestic consumption amount and number of nights respectively reached 28.5% and 25.7% of the total daily consumption, of which tourists accounted for nearly 30%, and night tourism has become an important night consumption market in tourist destinations. component. Orders for night travel products such as Ctrip and Donkey Mom have steadily increased. In 2018, the number of orders for donkey mothers' products with a "night tour" label increased by 9.0% year-on-year. Sightseeing cruises, themed lantern festivals, and cultural experience activities have become a weather vane for night tourism. The Lantern Festival special event launched on Ctrip tickets in 2019 increased the number of tourists by 114% year-on-year. Among them, the Pearl River Night Tour, Huangpu River Tour, Chongqing Liangjiang Night Tour, Wuhan Night Tour Yangtze River, Night Tour Sanya Bay, Lujiang Night Tour, Minjiang River Night tours, Qiantang River night tours, "Langcang River Mekong Night" singing and dancing bonfire party and Qiandao Lake night are the most popular.

2. The potential for night tour consumption is huge, two nights per person experience

According to tourism statistics, the average length of stay in domestic tourism is 3 days, and 26% of respondents who are willing to experience night travel for 3 consecutive nights, 53% of those who choose 2 nights, and only 2 do not want to travel %, The night stay per person is 2.03 nights. It shows that for a period of time in the future, tourists will have a strong willingness to travel at night and the market demand for night travel will be broad. With the richness and diversity of night travel products and the improvement of the night travel environment, the demand for night travel will continue to be strong and the market potential is huge.

Special survey data shows that night travel costs the highest proportion between 200-400 yuan and 400-600 yuan, 27.9% and 27% respectively, and 600-800 yuan and 200 yuan are the middle, accounting for 15.6% and 12.1%, respectively. The lowest proportion is below 1,000 yuan.

Special survey data shows that among groups with monthly income levels below 12,000 yuan, the highest proportion of night games cost less than 600 yuan, and those with monthly incomes of 12000-15000 yuan choose the highest proportion of night games with 600-1000 yuan. Night tours above 15,000 yuan cost more than 1,000 yuan.

3. Night travel needs are diverse and cultural experience is an important component

Special survey data shows that tourists' demands for night travel elements such as scenery, activities, dining, and leisure are relatively balanced. 35.7% of the respondents are concerned about the beautiful scenery that can be enjoyed, night activities, leisure atmosphere, safety and security, food The proportion of appeals is between 23% -28%. Today's increasingly diverse night consumption scenes inject vitality into city nights. Tourists hope to experience more activities and enjoy more services in a limited time, and pay equal attention to the richness and quality requirements of night tour products.

Cultural experience has become an important part of night tourism. Bookstores, tea houses, and theaters are the cultural highlights of the night consumer market. Eslite bookstores, the National Grand Theater, and the Poly Theater have become more popular at night. In the survey of tourists' needs for night travel experience, cultural festivals and city activities, cultural venue visits and other activities accounted for the forefront. The post-80s and post-90s young generation is the main force of current night tourism consumption, accounting for 40.0% and 19.8% respectively, leading the trend of night travel. 24-hour bookstores, dramas, theater films, etc. have attracted a large number of young tourists. . In Taiwan with a population of 23 million, Eslite Bookstore has an annual passenger flow of nearly 100 million people. Since 2014, 24-hour bookstores in China, represented by Sanlian Taofen Bookstore, have continuously emerged, becoming a unique existence in pop culture. The in-depth cultural experience has become an important part of the consumption of multiple night travel scenes.

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