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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Basic knowledge of water park

Basic knowledge of water park

Basic knowledge of water park

1. Water park concept and classification:
1. Water park concept: Water park is a kind of theme park. It has the characteristics of large tourist carrying capacity, wide playable age range, and high revisit rate.

water park
2. Water park classification:
Classification by form:
(1) Outdoor water park
(2) Indoor water park
(3) Integrated water park: indoor + outdoor; land + water
(4) Hot Spring Water Park
Classified by consumption pattern:
(1) Urban leisure and entertainment
Urban leisure and aquatic water park generally refers to being located in the city, and the main consumer groups are local residents, which are urban supporting services for local residents.
(2) Travel and vacation
Tourism resort water parks are generally a certain distance from major cities, and most consumer groups have demand for accommodation. According to the characteristics of the project, it is divided into hot spring resort type, coastal resort type, tourism purpose type and other categories.

Twenty-two, the development trend of water parks:
1. Slowdown and steady development
2.Small and Medium Paradise, Focus Market
3. Urbanization and personalization
4. Compound and Theme
5. Functional integration and quality upgrade
6. Professional manufacturing, personalized customization

Advantages of Water Park Investment
1. Human nature is hydrophilic, people like water;
2. The activities of the water park are the general mobilization of the whole family, Wanquan, spa and SPA can be combined in it
3. Tourists have a large carrying capacity and can play the widest age;
4. The market for water parks does not need to be cultivated, and it has a good mass foundation;
5. The water park has a variety of water park equipment, and the revisit rate of tourists is very high;
6. Second consumption is very large

Water park equipment from Haisan

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